In many ways, this series is Jurassic Park’s counterpart to the Star Wars: Clone Wars TV series. This is a canon animated expansion of Jurassic world which means elements introduced in this series could have bigger implications in the films.
Tag: jurassic park
Dinotopia Reimagined – Revisiting the Hallmark Miniseries
As a kid, I was introduced to the universe of Dinotopia through this series and I ate this up when it was released. However, looking back 20 years later I’m noticing more and more things that failed to hold up for several crucial factors.
Top Movie Duels
#5: Spino vs Rex – Jurassic Park 3 I consider Animal fights to be fair game, so let’s start strong with our biological diversity pick: A grossly anatomically incorrect Spinosaurus and a near-equally mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex! The reason I have put this one on my list was because this scene shocked movie and Jurassic Park fans when it came out. For the previous century, moviegoers believed the T-Rex was the ultimate predator producible by nature. Now there are we know there are other carnivorous dinosaurs that were even bigger and scarier than T-Rex. #4 Batman vs Bane – The Dark