Diversity in Fantasy – Why Race Truly Doesn’t Matter in Fairy Tales

The driving force of our argument is that fairy tales don’t lend themselves to the same standards of consistency as semi-historical works or even high fantasy. That is, fairy tales have no lore.

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Impeachment: An American Crime Story [REVIEW]

vents around the Monica Lewinsky scandal and the subsequent impeachment of Bill Clinton, Impeachment – An American Crime Story follows key figures from the scandal, particularly Linda Tripp (Sarah Paulson) and her quest for vengeance on the white house.

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Political Relevance and The Comey Rule – An Editorial Rant

I don’t know about you, but I think I smell Oscar Gold. – Someone, probably. On May 9, 2017 FBI director James Comey was fired by then-President Trump, citing the bureau’s ongoing investigations into alleged ties between the presidential candidate’s campaign and Russian agents. A few weeks later, Comey went to the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee to testify on the matter of how much Comey’s investigation was tied to the Trump administration. It was a s*** show. I remember back when Comey was testifying before the senate committee with regards to his firing (before those hearings became just another sideshow

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Best of Humanity’s Worst – “Top” Dictators of the Cold War

The Cold War between the U.S.S.R. and the western powers shaped the entire back-half of the 20th century. While the Soviet Union would eventually die a slow and anticlimactic economic/political death in 1991, the echoes of this ideological conflict can still be heard well into the 21st century, as the western powers and the various flavors of communism alike would see dozens of governments deposed and dictators (quite often called “presidents”) installed across the globe. This may seem like your standard listicle of “top” bad people, but our purpose here is not to off-handedly rank whose regime was the cruelest

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The Cult Comes Home – Far Cry 5: Our Dreamcast

Far Cry 5 is the most recent entry in the Far Cry series – an open-world shooter where you play a nameless protagonist fighting against a militant religious cult. Previous games have it focused on more exotic locations such as the Pacific Islands (Far Cry 3) and the Himalayas (Far Cry 4), with the upcoming 6th game being set the Caribbean. Far Cry 5 took a more domestic approach, setting its fictional “Hope County” in the very not-fictional state of Montana – complete with its own local populace of American cultist caricatures. It is here in America’s wilderness that the

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The Czars Must Be Wasted – A Historical Analysis

This article is a summary analysis of the book Vodka Politics by Mark Lawrence Schrad by Mark Lawrence Shrad, professor of political science at Villanova University. Schrad wrote this book with the goal of addressing how Russian diplomacy often includes the deployment of a large amount of alcohol, particularly as his title implies, vodka. He explores vodka’s evolution under the czars and how it was employed by the soviets to control their internal enemies and allies alike. It is a problematic tradition that continues to this day, according Schrad’s thesis: “Putin and every Russian autocrat who follows will continue the

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Diversity vs Tokenism in Historical Dramas – A Rant about Representation and Accuracy

This may be a touchy subject for some – undoubtedly one of the more controversial topics on this discussion forum – but as a film critic, nerd, history buff, and “woke white boy” all wrapped up into a nice opinionated bow: history needs to be told faithfully.

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