The Dumbest Star Wars Fan Theory We’ve Ever Heard
Without a doubt, the dumbest Star Wars fan theory we’ve ever heard:
Dooku and Palpatine hired the Tuskens to kidnap Shmi Skywalker to kickstart Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side.
A Poorly Edited Editorial
Without a doubt, the dumbest Star Wars fan theory we’ve ever heard:
Dooku and Palpatine hired the Tuskens to kidnap Shmi Skywalker to kickstart Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side.
There were many elements that inspired George Lucas in Star Wars, from westerns to gangster flicks to Flash Gordon. Of course, what truly inspired Lucas was Japanese cinema, most notably citing Hidden Fortress and Yojimbo as influences. Jedi, essentially being Samurai with lasers, his universe was built for anime. Independent animators have delved into this possibility before but never had any major backing from any studio, until now. What amazes me about this series is that is does a great job treading the line from canon and non canon, as many of their stories cleverly tie into the overall history
Hey, kids! Do you want to see a movie about the murder of the Romanovs get turned into a whimsical musical adventure?
Picking up from our “Hunchback” (un)proposal – we’re exploring another film in Disney’s back-catalogue that they may be considering for a poorly conceived live-action remake: Pocohantas.
Despite being given a large number of episodes and characters, they are given very little depth.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article includes the gratuitous usage of the word “gypsy”. Before keyboard warrior-ing a history of the Romani people, be so kind as to actually read this article past the 3rd paragraph where we address this. – Dirk Hortensius, Editor and Armed SJW @ What is a “Forbidden Remake”? With Disney cashing in on live action versions of their “renaissance”-era catalogue, more and more people have discussed on the internet on “what will they needlessly re-hash next?”. However, there are some property’s that in all honesty Disney should probably not remake whether the themes are too heavy,
You’re reading part 3 of our Darth Plagueis adaptation series. Read part 1 here! Now that we have the format and the cast laid down it is now time for an to discuss the events in the book that will take place in each episode. This consists of ten ~40m episodes selectively covering a roughly 40-year period. However, since this is an adaptation some changes ought to be made for the sake of simplicity and dramatic brevity. Changes One minor change revolves around Naboo’s reformist king Bon Tapalo and his ambassador/successor Veruna – I decided to merge them into one
Who would be the best actor to portray a young Palpatine or Darth Plagueis himself? How would you cast a droid built in Star Wars’ prequel era?
Ever since Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith was released in 2005, one scene has stuck out from all the rest. Palpatine telling an old Sith legend, a legend that motivated Anakin to move to the Dark side: “The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise”. The Story of a Sith Lord who achieved immortality with the power to create and preserve life only to be killed in his sleep by his apprentice. What Palpatine never told Anakin was that he was that very apprentice. In 2012 Lucasbooks released what many fans believed to be one of the greatest of
Despite the potential presented by the setting, characters, and ideas in-play, this season is a an overall padded experience and needs improvement.