Best TV of 2021

line, streaming TV has stepped up to the plate this past year to keep audiences entertained throughout the pandemic that still grips us. This is not a complete ranking, but merely a list of the shows (that I’ve seen) that are worth mentioning that came out last year.

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Star Wars: Visions – Episode Ranking

There were many elements that inspired George Lucas in Star Wars, from westerns to gangster flicks to Flash Gordon. Of course, what truly inspired Lucas was Japanese cinema, most notably citing Hidden Fortress and Yojimbo as influences. Jedi, essentially being Samurai with lasers, his universe was built for anime. Independent animators have delved into this possibility before but never had any major backing from any studio, until now. What amazes me about this series is that is does a great job treading the line from canon and non canon, as many of their stories cleverly tie into the overall history

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