The Many Trials of Star Wars: The Clone Wars

It seemed like Star Wars was going to once again take a break from the big screen. However, creator George Lucas felt his storytelling days were not over. So, in 2008, Lucas would bring along newcomer Dave Filoni to work on creating the now award-winning series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

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Fantasy and De-Mystifying Legends

You’re reading part 2 of our Historical Epic series.Read part 1 here! The filming techniques and writing that was prevalent in Braveheart and Gladiator help make Fantasy possible on the big screen. This cinematic formula reached its zenith when the Lord of the Rings trilogy hit theaters in 2001-2003. While Lord of the Rings is far from historical, there are elements from history that seep into it. Obviously, it is a medieval-esque world but with actual wizards and mystical creatures. Aragon is clearly a William Wallace type character as he serves the role of reluctant hero who fell into his

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Star Wars: Visions – Episode Ranking

There were many elements that inspired George Lucas in Star Wars, from westerns to gangster flicks to Flash Gordon. Of course, what truly inspired Lucas was Japanese cinema, most notably citing Hidden Fortress and Yojimbo as influences. Jedi, essentially being Samurai with lasers, his universe was built for anime. Independent animators have delved into this possibility before but never had any major backing from any studio, until now. What amazes me about this series is that is does a great job treading the line from canon and non canon, as many of their stories cleverly tie into the overall history

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Darth Plagueis: Episode Synopsis

You’re reading part 3 of our Darth Plagueis adaptation series. Read part 1 here! Now that we have the format and the cast laid down it is now time for an to discuss the events in the book that will take place in each episode. This consists of ten ~40m episodes selectively covering a roughly 40-year period. However, since this is an adaptation some changes ought to be made for the sake of simplicity and dramatic brevity. Changes One minor change revolves around Naboo’s reformist king Bon Tapalo and his ambassador/successor Veruna – I decided to merge them into one

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