Best Movies of 2021

2021 has been a difficult transitional year when it comes to new movies as the ongoing COVID pandemic delayed production and theatrical releases. Despite the obstacles still being a major problem, stricter guidelines have allowed theaters to reopen more frequently. Here are the best films (that I’ve seen) in 2021.

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Our Worst Viewing Experiences of 2021

Justice League: The Snyder Cut After the theatrical version of Justice League flopped on release, fans held out hope for the mythical “Snyder Cut” – that is, Zack Snyder’s original vision of the film. Then, one day it actually happened. Well, it was a sit-through, but not in a good way. Hard to classify whether to call this release a movie or a miniseries, given its chapter-based format, and it shows in the overall pacing. To its credit, it did help expand on elements that we missing from the original – especially in regards to Cyborg’s character. This was a

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