Best Television of 2022

While 2022 may have been a middle-ing year for Hollywood and the Box Office, television seemingly has never been better. In case you’re looking for something to binge before 2023 comes into full swing, these shows were hand-picked by our head writer and editor as our favorite ways of melting into the couch for the past year. Peacemaker Many people have been having strong feelings about the DCEU that is now under the leadership of James Gunn, but regardless of how you think of him, he is a guy that balances comedy and tragedy exceptionally well in his projects. Gunn’s

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Best Movies of 2021

2021 has been a difficult transitional year when it comes to new movies as the ongoing COVID pandemic delayed production and theatrical releases. Despite the obstacles still being a major problem, stricter guidelines have allowed theaters to reopen more frequently. Here are the best films (that I’ve seen) in 2021.

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