“Tales of the Galaxy” – A Star Wars Anthology Series [PITCH]

We gather here today to make a simple pitch to Kathleen Kennedy and the general leadership of Disney Star Wars: we want to see more anthology-style stories focusing not just on the force-wielding Jedi, Sith, and Fallen – but rather on the galaxy as a whole. A “Tales of the Galaxy”, if you will.

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The Problem with Converting Animated Characters into Live-Action

Bringing an animated character to live-action has always been a challenge, but not impossible. More thought and care should be taken to re-capture the look and feel of the original character while not undermining the writing that made fans care for them in the first place.

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Has Boba Fett Really Gone Soft? A Deconstruction of Boba Fett

This is our in-depth deconstruction of Boba Fett’s character arc as it is told in the current canon. The issue people take is that a mercenary crime lord and a man who prides on honor and respect as incompatible. Some believe that this damages Boba’s character and were quick to blame Disney for softening the Star Wars brand.

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Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett [REVIEW]

While maybe not as strong as The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett does manage to have a unique enough concept to stand on its own. Still, it does suffer from a weak overall story that’s overly dependent on flashbacks and Mando scenes.

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