Did “Oppenheimer” Really Need an “R” Rating?

The line between the MPAA’s R and PG-13 ratings has been a critical factor in the production of mainstream films over the past several decades. When it comes to the genre of historical drama, there is an even deeper debate as to how much “R-rated” content you should include without losing its message.

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The Most “Average” Films of 2022

Despite theaters returning to pre-pandemic capacity, box office reception has been lacking overall this year. While we still had thrilling experiences like Top Gun: Maverick and Avatar: The Way of Water, the overall draw to the theater has been lower and lower over the past few years. Unfortunately, this leaves us in a position where we, as a media blog, are unable to actually put together a “best” list for 2022, and are ultimately forced to only rank the “average”-est films of the year. Part of those reasons could be due to franchise fatigue, and when a movie does become

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Drowning in Directors Cuts – The Decline of Historical Epics

You’re reading part 3 of our Historical Epic series. Read part 1 here! Period dramas have been the kinds of films directors have pushed themselves to make. Hollywood was also in the same vein looking to try to make the next Gladiator. There has been a string of historical films with some of the same talent such as Mel Gibson’s The Patriot and Russell Crowe’s Master and Commander. However, after the mid-2000s there has been a gradual decline of such films, at least theatrically. Some of them however have found a new lease on life when they reach DVD and

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Fantasy and De-Mystifying Legends

You’re reading part 2 of our Historical Epic series.Read part 1 here! The filming techniques and writing that was prevalent in Braveheart and Gladiator help make Fantasy possible on the big screen. This cinematic formula reached its zenith when the Lord of the Rings trilogy hit theaters in 2001-2003. While Lord of the Rings is far from historical, there are elements from history that seep into it. Obviously, it is a medieval-esque world but with actual wizards and mystical creatures. Aragon is clearly a William Wallace type character as he serves the role of reluctant hero who fell into his

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