Worst Movie Duels

#5: The Viper vs The Mountain – Game of Thrones In its 4th season, of Game of Thrones introduced us to the charismatic, savvy, and sexy Oberyn Martell (aka “The Viper”) in a breakout performance by Mandalorian and Narcos star, Pedro Pascal.  At the same time, we get the return of Gregor Clegane (aka “The Mountain”), played this time by Iclandic bodybuilder demigod Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, who at the time held the record of world’s strongest man. Everything was lining up well with this fight scene, with a small agile man with a poisoned spear against a massive hulk with

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Worst “Epic” Battle Sequences in Film

#5: Rome, Season 2 – Make History, Not War Rome was one of HBO’s earlier attempts at high-production television – later paving the way for Game of Thrones and the “Golden Days of Television” as we know it today. However, with all science comes failure, and the unfortunate victims of their growing pains were the “action” scenes of their historical drama – as most of the budget is blown on the (exquisite) costumes and sets. While it was great to see a faithful depiction of Rome during Caesar’s rise, fall, and succession, we are also repeatedly built up to epic

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