On October 26, 2022, Disney Plus released a six-episode anthology of shorts with their animated series: Tales of the Jedi. The segments that have gotten the most attention are the segments following the fall of Count Dooku.
Category: Editorial
Diversity in Fantasy – Why Race Truly Doesn’t Matter in Fairy Tales
The driving force of our argument is that fairy tales don’t lend themselves to the same standards of consistency as semi-historical works or even high fantasy. That is, fairy tales have no lore.
How to Incorporate Diversity in Fantasy Works
This controversy – as to what role we choose to incorporate diversity in fantasy – is very thin between legitimate criticism of one’s art and blatant bigotry.
Exactly What is the Galactic Republic? A Constitutional Analysis
But what form of government was this Galactic Republic, exactly?
Who Exactly is “The Enemy” in Top Gun: Maverick?
The identity of the “rogue nation” they fight was never important – the core of Top Gun was always the characters and the action.
The Surprisingly Deep Politics of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
One element that distinguishes Star Wars: The Clone Wars from other animated shows was its heavy focus on the political theater of war, dividing fans upon its release.
The Problem with Converting Animated Characters into Live-Action
Bringing an animated character to live-action has always been a challenge, but not impossible. More thought and care should be taken to re-capture the look and feel of the original character while not undermining the writing that made fans care for them in the first place.
Why the “Bat Credit Card” is Secretly Genius
With the release of yet another Batman movie this year, it is time to touch upon a meme that has taken hold online some years back – The Bat Credit Card.
Has Boba Fett Really Gone Soft? A Deconstruction of Boba Fett
This is our in-depth deconstruction of Boba Fett’s character arc as it is told in the current canon. The issue people take is that a mercenary crime lord and a man who prides on honor and respect as incompatible. Some believe that this damages Boba’s character and were quick to blame Disney for softening the Star Wars brand.
The 9 Worst Characters in Modern Media
If you ever watch a show you’ll know there is always a character that you don’t like. But how many times are you frustrated that they keep forcing these characters in because the filmmakers thought they were cool, deep, or the next big thing.