The Formula: Sylized CGI sets,
Slow-motion “Snyder-style” action,
Stylized Sex (and lots of it),
The guy on poster yelling “RAWR!”, and Eclectic
Electric guitars doing weird things throughout.
Category: Editorial
Fantasy and De-Mystifying Legends
You’re reading part 2 of our Historical Epic series.Read part 1 here! The filming techniques and writing that was prevalent in Braveheart and Gladiator help make Fantasy possible on the big screen. This cinematic formula reached its zenith when the Lord of the Rings trilogy hit theaters in 2001-2003. While Lord of the Rings is far from historical, there are elements from history that seep into it. Obviously, it is a medieval-esque world but with actual wizards and mystical creatures. Aragon is clearly a William Wallace type character as he serves the role of reluctant hero who fell into his
The Dumbest Star Wars Fan Theory We’ve Ever Heard
Without a doubt, the dumbest Star Wars fan theory we’ve ever heard:
Dooku and Palpatine hired the Tuskens to kidnap Shmi Skywalker to kickstart Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side.
Political Relevance and The Comey Rule – An Editorial Rant
I don’t know about you, but I think I smell Oscar Gold. – Someone, probably. On May 9, 2017 FBI director James Comey was fired by then-President Trump, citing the bureau’s ongoing investigations into alleged ties between the presidential candidate’s campaign and Russian agents. A few weeks later, Comey went to the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee to testify on the matter of how much Comey’s investigation was tied to the Trump administration. It was a s*** show. I remember back when Comey was testifying before the senate committee with regards to his firing (before those hearings became just another sideshow
Diversity vs Tokenism in Historical Dramas – A Rant about Representation and Accuracy
This may be a touchy subject for some – undoubtedly one of the more controversial topics on this discussion forum – but as a film critic, nerd, history buff, and “woke white boy” all wrapped up into a nice opinionated bow: history needs to be told faithfully.